The Young Adult Married + Single Ministry — YAMS — offers a variety of opportunities for formation and fellowship.

We gather together to cook, eat, learn, and socialize because it is in and through community that we learn most deeply about God, ourselves, and each other. Our gatherings are places to ask questions and explore our lives of faith through discussions about God, religion, spirituality, work, culture, relationships, and the graceful complexities of life. We hope that our gatherings will be places for imagining a new way to be church and that we might cultivate communities of practice for a deeper faith. All are welcome!

Upcoming Activities

YAMS Ladies Bible Study - January 30-March 26, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Offsite location.
The YAMS Ladies Bible study will continue studying Genesis this winter using Jack Kuhatscheck’s book "Abraham, Hearing God’s Call." This nine-week study of Genesis 12-21 will look at Abraham’s obedience and faith in God, and God’s promise to Abraham that seems impossible. A light dinner will be served. Please contact Elizabeth Beal or Nancy Holt for location information and to sign up.

YAMS Events

See All Events

The Dean's Summer Book Club

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Parish House - Stirling Room

  • Adults
  • Class/Bible Study

Pub Theology

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| Recurring Event

Parish House - Classroom 114

  • Adults
  • Class/Bible Study

The Dean's Summer Book Club

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Parish House - Stirling Room

  • Adults
  • Class/Bible Study